Professor Critical Care Medicine, Bioengineering, Cardiovascular Disease and Anesthesiology
Dr. Michael Pinsky is a Professor of Critical Care Medicine with secondary appointments in Anesthesiology, Bioengineering, Cardiovascular Diseases and Clinical and Translational Scieince at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Pinsky received his MD, CM from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and completed his post-graduate internal medicine residency and pulmonary fellowship training at Stanford University, Stanford, California and advanced physiological training at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes, Baltimore, Maryland. He has been at the University of Pittsburgh for 43 years, treating critical patients and studying various cardiopulmonary aspects of critical illness including circulatory shock, sepsis and systems approaches to improving patient safety. He is or was the PI on several federal grants and has published over 400 peer reviewed manuscripts, edited 27 textbooks and mentored over 40 post-doctoral trainees, most of which remain in academic medicine. He has received numerous national and international honors including Docteur Honoris Casusa from the Universite de Paris V, Le Sorbone, France and the American Thoracic Society Lifetime Achievement Award for Critical Care Medicine. He remains active in research and education.