Welcome to the 20th International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society Conference which will be held on 1st - 3rd February 2025 in Kuwait. This conference will run parallel to the 9th International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society Congress, the 16th Asia Africa Conference of the World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care Societies, the 12th Kuwait Critical Care Conference and the 2nd Kuwait Extracorporeal Life Support Congress and in conjunction with the 6th Regional Neurocritical Care Meeting of the Neurocritical Care Society – IPACCMS MENA Chapter.
It is with great pleasure that we invite all healthcare providers (physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, dieticians, physiotherapists, perfusionists and other allied health professionals) of patients with critical illness, in Kuwait and across the region to submit abstracts sharing your creative concepts, original research, and practical experiences in critical care and neurocritical care. Abstracts and ePosters will be displayed using an electronic format; therefore, we also encourage you to consider using images and video in presenting your science, where appropriate.
In the submission page, Please select Neurocritical Care if the abstract you are submitting focuses on this field.