Call for Abstracts
Welcome to the 20th International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society Conference which will be held on 1st - 3rd February 2025 in Kuwait. This conference will run parallel to the 9th International Pan Arab Critical Care Medicine Society Congress, the 16th Asia Africa Conference of the World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care Societies, the 12th Kuwait Critical Care Conference and the 2nd Kuwait Extracorporeal Life Support Congress and in conjunction with the 6th Regional Neurocritical Care Meeting of the Neurocritical Care Society – IPACCMS MENA Chapter.
It is with great pleasure that we invite all healthcare providers (physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, dieticians, physiotherapists, perfusionists and other allied health professionals) of patients with critical illness, in Kuwait and across the region to submit abstracts sharing your creative concepts, original research, and practical experiences in critical care and neurocritical care. Abstracts and ePosters will be displayed using an electronic format; therefore, we also encourage you to consider using images and video in presenting your science, where appropriate.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- The conference strives to present original work; therefore, previously presented/published material will not be accepted as research abstract submissions and publication.
- Abstracts must be submitted using the form given below.
- Abstract should be submitted as English text only (no graphics, images or tables are allowed in the abstract body).
- Headings: Abstract title, Authors and Affiliations,
- Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the research and supporting rationale.
- Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly. Describe analysis performed. Include statistical tests.
- Results: Present your results in a logical sequence. Results are expected and should not be "pending”.
- Conclusion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them.
- The total length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words (word limit applies to the Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion; Title, Authors and Affiliations are excluded from the word count).
- Only abstracts that are complete and in accordance with the instructions provided above will be considered for review.
- Abstracts can be submitted online only
- Copyright Transfer Agreement – Authors are required to agree to the copyright transfer acceptance noted below before submitting an abstract:
- The submitting author must affirm on behalf of ALL authors:
- that the material presented in the abstract is original material.
- does not copy or otherwise infringe on the copyright or other proprietary rights of another party.
- that the author(s) have been involved in developing the work presented in the abstract to take responsibility for the content.
- The submitting author must ensure:
- The submitting author should be the lead author and is most responsible for the research abstract’s content and should be listed first.
- Conflicts or potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed. Such conflicts may include, but are not limited to, any activity related to the work presented in the abstract submitted that may influence the author’s judgment, for example:
- Having received fees for consulting on a product or company which might be affected by the publication of your abstract.
- Having been employed by a related company which might be affected by the publication of your abstract.
- Holding stocks or shares in a company which might be affected by the publication of your abstract.
- When in doubt about whether a conflict or potential conflict may exist, please notify the organizing committee upon abstract submission.
- Abstract submission opens September 01, 2024.
- Last date for submission is December 01, 2024 (23:59 Kuwait time).
- Acceptance Notifications will be emailed by the week of December 15, 2024.
- Abstract content must meet the standard of an academic / scientific presentation.
- Abstracts should avoid any commercial promotion and those containing any such bias will not be considered.
- The scientific committee will evaluate the abstracts for their relevance to the conference theme and the in-conjunction meeting, their scientific content, (1) importance and relevance, (2) originality and novelty, (3) quality of methods and writing, (are the methods well described and valid to answer the study question, and if the abstract clear and well-written). The scientific committee will make the final selection of the abstracts for e-posters.
- Only the submitting author will receive all correspondence about the abstract, so we advise that the submitting author is the lead author and is listed as first author and plans to present the work during the conference.
- If the submitting author cannot present the research, another Presenting Author can be specified during submission. The presenting author of accepted research abstracts is required to register for the conference/meeting.
Abstracts could be submitted under the following category submissions:
- Basic or Translational Science
- Quality Assurance & Improvement
- Education
- Clinical Case Report
- Survey or Interview (quantitative or qualitative)
- Retrospective or Prospective Cohort Study
- Clinical Trial
- Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, or Meta-synthesis
- Health Services Research
- Other
In the submission page, Please select Neurocritical Care if the abstract you are submitting focuses on this field.
Guidelines for FINAL e-Posters
- The poster will be displayed in a portrait format on the electronic screen.
- A high-resolution PDF file should be submitted through the conference email.
- Edit your material down to essential words.
- Use of tables, lists, figures, and diagrams is highly encouraged.
- Use short, bulleted sentences rather than lengthy paragraphs.
- Put the material in the structure of the abstract: Introduction, Methods or Case Report, Results or Case Discussion, and Conclusions.
- The Poster should be in line with the abstract submitted and any significant changes must be approved by the conference organizers.
- Last date for e-Poster submission is 22 January 2025.
- Only the submitting author will present.
- All authors must disclose any financial relationships and conflicts of interest clearly on their e-Posters.
- Tables, figures and graphs are not allowed as part of the research abstract submission; however, they can be presented on the e-Poster.
- Expenses associated with abstract, or case report preparation, submission, and presentation are the responsibility of the presenter(s)/author(s).
- The presenting authors of accepted abstracts are expected to register and attend the Conference, especially during the Professor Rounds. All co-authors are encouraged to register.
Important Dates
- September 1, 2024: Submission period opens
- December 1, 2024: Submission period closes at (23:59 Kuwait time).
- December 15, 2024: Notification of submission acceptance sent electronically to first author
- January 22, 2025: Last date for poster submission