Maternity Hospital
Maternity Hospital is the leading hospital in Sabah Medical Area that is covering obstetric & gynecological procedures. Maternity ICU has four bed capacity with average admission around 250 cases annually. In 2021, we had 251 admissions. Our ICU is an open ICU where the admissions done by the anesthesia team, while the primary plan of care is shared between Anesthesiologists and another physician including obstetrics and gynecology, respirology, cardiology, neurology, hematology, and infection control teams. Our scope of service is both medical and surgical coverings. Most of admissions are postoperative monitoring after complex obstetric cases and complicated gynecological cases with multiple comorbidities. Common causes for admissions are
- 1. Hyperemesis gravidarum with electrolyte disturbance.
- 2. Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome with resultant ascites and pleural effusion.
- 3. Labor analgesia for high-risk cases including Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia when epidural is contraindicated.
- 4. Induction of labor in high-risk cases.
- 5. After major obstetric hemorrhage with large fluid shift or after Bakri Ballon insertion.
- 6. Any deterioration in Maternal Early Warning Scores (MEWS) in ward cases.
- 7. Pain management either through epidural or intravenous patient controlled epidural analgesia for postoperative challenging cases.
- 8. Postoperative admission for observation after prolonged, complicated gynecological cases usually for 24-48 hours.
- 9. In few sittings preoperative ICU admission for preoperative optimizations.